So, I've been planning to create a blog since forever. But laziness and whatever other excuse I could find prevented me from doing so. Anyway, I've been following somewhat closely the issues concerning the Dangerous Dogs Bill in Trinidad and Tobago. I am strictly against it as you must know, as I find the proposal, draconian and illogical.
So, perusing the blogs I found the blog of another fellow Trini here.
It annoyed me that he was mocking animal lovers thinking that they are fighting for the wrong thing. O irony! When he is more misinformed than they!
Anyway, I tried to respond, but for some reason, all my responses when I clicked the submit button just vanished, with no notification of where my posts went.
So I was provoked to create my own blog, to respond to his. Hopefully, after this, I may be inclined to blog more regularly. Anyway, here goes:
So, perusing the blogs I found the blog of another fellow Trini here.
It annoyed me that he was mocking animal lovers thinking that they are fighting for the wrong thing. O irony! When he is more misinformed than they!
Anyway, I tried to respond, but for some reason, all my responses when I clicked the submit button just vanished, with no notification of where my posts went.
So I was provoked to create my own blog, to respond to his. Hopefully, after this, I may be inclined to blog more regularly. Anyway, here goes:
You sir, are clearly no expert on the matter of pit bulls. Your article is hogwash and extremely uninformed.
The pit bull has garnered a bad name, it is true, but whose fault is that really? Is it the dog’s fault? Think - all dogs were bred from wolves. But HUMANS took them out of their natural domain and attempted to domesticate them. The result, a creature that is capable of returning to a feral state, but never completely, as we have made them entirely dependent on us, with no ability to survive without our intervention.
As such, humans are directly responsible for the animals we have created.
But the pit bull’s name has also been equally tarnished by the media, quick to jump on any attack on humans from these creatures. Most of the time, the public is led to believe there are pit bulls involved when most of the time they aren’t. But the public is so quick to gobble that misinformation up.
Consider this: there are 500,000 pit bulls in Trinidad, and 5 attacks in the last year. Does that minority really speak for the ENTIRE breed? Leave a Trini to say yes. By that logic, compare the dog to human killing ratio to the human to human killing ratio. I’d say humans are more dangerous than pits. Perhaps humans should eradicate themselves.
You find fault with the American Kennel Association renaming the dog to something friendlier. Well, here’s another fact for you: several decades ago pits were used as BABY SITTERS! Can you believe that? They were trusted with children! So what do you think happened between then and now. I’ll tell you. BAD OWNERS. Yes boys and girls, there is such a thing.
Mismanagement of your dog’s temperament can lead to such a thing. It’s true. Watch some “Dog Whisperer”, you might learn a thing or two. Training aggression in a dog, poor exercise and poor diet can all lead to a return to the feral nature of dogs. Also, inability to secure a dog properly is also the fault of the owner.
You can’t blame the dog for doing what’s in its nature. It’s the owner who couldn’t manage his temperament. That’s why dogs can turn on owners. It can happen with pit bulls, pothounds, and pompeks. But pompeks are cute and tiny, so we ignore their aggression, but because they aren’t as strong as a pit bull, they aren’t considered threats.
So let’s deal with your attempts to debunk the arguments of the pit bull owners and TTSPCA.
1. You think the animal cruelty charge will stop people from releasing their dogs? Reality check. The animal cruelty fine is $400. I am sure you could find that cash in your back pocket. What does that mean? No one gives a rat’s ass about the animal cruelty law. It’s poorly enforced, and just as easily as the owner paid for his brand new Nike kicks, just as easily he will pay that measly fine.
2. Pit bull owners WILL switch to a new breed.
"In the ’70s they blamed Dobermans, in the ’80s they blamed German Shepherds, in the ’90s they blamed the Rottweiler.. Now they blame the Pit Bull.. When will they blame the humans?" -- Cesar Millan, animal behaviorist.
3. Bandits may not overrun the country. Technically, the country is already overrun with them anyway, but I can imagine the desire for individuals to want to secure their homes with the help of pit bulls. And far be it from me to blame them. Hell, I am glad my pothounds keep intruders off my yard.
So, think again Phillip Alexander. Why were pit bulls allowed to be nannies so long ago? What happened? Why are 5 dogs out of 500,000 allowed to create prejudice around these creatures, and why are many pit bulls considered loving, caring creatures by many who own them?
In closing, many people aren’t against legislation to protect humans, they’re against breed specific legislation that attempts to create prejudice, and misinformation about a particular breed, and are attempting to fight what this bill intends to do – eradicate pit bulls. The law is draconian and needs review. A consensus must be reached that protects humans and animals alike.
Have a nice day.